Read Across America Week Activities
For our school site, we held Read Across America Week during the week of March 6th. I thought I'd share some of the highlights. For Monday, the Library Helpers Club and the 5th grade ASB hosted Dr. Seuss games during the recess periods. Students participating in the Read while Hoola-Hooping game Students participating in the Dr. Seuss ring toss game. On Tuesday, we had the mayor of Fontana visit the school and be the first to sign our school banner. Those who signed the banner pledged to read every day. For Wednesday, our site hosted a "Reading Under the Stars" community event. We invited our students and their families to bring their blankets, lawn chairs, and snacks and join us for story time under the stars. We were able to project the picture book pages on a blank wall, and used a microphone to read the stories aloud. My school district's Library Director was able to attend, and not only did she share a fabulous retelling o...
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