
Showing posts from April, 2017


Using School-opoly to Cover Book Genres This year the library's theme was "Board Games/Phone Apps."  All the bulletins in the library were centered around this theme.  I had a "Be a winner at the game of LIFE" bulletin to showcase the six pillars of character, and a "Check It Out!" bulletin (checkerboard) for the display case.  For my main wall, I created a "School-opoly" board, with all the pieces necessary to play the game.  As I was creating the wall, and creating "properties,"  I saw the potential in using each of the different colors on the board to showcase different book genres, and so I decided to use this game to introduce students to the different genres and sub-genres. The Set Up First, I created the "property" pieces for the game board.  The "properties" were the different school site locations:  The classrooms, the offices, the playground, etc.  I then grouped the properties by genres